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USA Hops

HGA By-Laws Amended

March 14, 2019

During the January 24 Annual Meeting of Hop Growers of America, two important changes to the By-Laws were adopted.  First, a change in the makeup of the Board was approved to add a second representative from Idaho.  Board positions now include 4 from Washington, 2 from Oregon, 2 from Idaho, 1 at-large individual grower representative, and 1 at-large association representative. The second substantive change pertains to the Association dues rate.  Association dues were revised to $0.00375 per pound (equating to $0.75 per bale).  This change will allow the HGA Board to increase its contract with the Washington Hop Commission to cover 50% of the budget for staff costs, representing the actual staff time invested in HGA programs.  The revised By-Laws are attached.  Draft minutes from the January 23 HGA Board Meeting and January 24 HGA Annual Meeting are also attached.

HGA By Laws

HGA Annual Meeting Minutes 1-24-19

HGA Annual Meeting Minutes 1-23-19

Hop Growers of America

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Hop Growers of America


Liberty Building, 32 N 3rd St - Suite 408 \ Yakima, WA 98901 Mail to: P.O. Box 2885 \ Yakima, WA 98907 1.509.453.4749