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USA Hops

International Hop Grower's Convention Resolution

December 10, 2018

IHGC Post-Harvest Statistical Reports and Updates
The International Hop Growers Convention (IHGC) met in Nuremberg, Germany on November 12. The Economic Commission Report provides post-harvest production estimates from most IHGC member countries. In addition, the Hop Market Report was distributed.  Both may be found on the USA Hops website by clicking these links. Hop Growers of America is a member of IHGC, representing US hop growers.
The IHGC Scientific and Technical Commission has also updated the international list of Hop Variety Codes. US variety codes and bale stencils are harmonized with this list.
The IHGC Regulatory Harmonization Commission, chaired by Ann George, has launched an international hop industry effort to seek solutions to issues resulting from the European Union’s hazard-based approach to the regulation of plant protection products. This includes the EU’s cut-off criteria, which is expected to result in the cancellation of several important hop plant protection tools, including both domestic European registrations and import tolerances. Resolution adopted by the IHGC.

International Hop Grower's Convention (IHGC) Resolution. November 12, 2018.

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Hop Growers of America

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Hop Growers of America


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