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USA Hops

USDA-ARS Hop Research Position Open

October 04, 2021


The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Forage Seed and Cereal Research Unit seeks a scientist that can improve our understanding of how hops respond to abiotic stress and to develop production methods that improve productivity and quality. The position will be filled as a Research Plant Physiologist, Research Horticulturist, or Research Agronomist, GS-0435/0437/0471-12/13/14 ($77,488 - $141,548 per annum, plus benefits), and will be located at the Washington State University, Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center in Prosser, WA. 

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Liberty Building, 32 N 3rd St - Suite 408 \ Yakima, WA 98901 Mail to: P.O. Box 2885 \ Yakima, WA 98907 1.509.453.4749